
the roots

At this week's market, a basket of multi-coloured carrots from Daylesford Organics. I particularly love purple carrots - there are some of the nantes variety sprouting on my windowsill - and am still searching for the perfect blue cheese dressing to adulterate their simple nutritional goodness. Taken by a special visitor who later turned a few of these babies into curry.


  1. There is something so deeply satisfying about looking at this photo. When I was a kid and my parents grew carrots in our garden, I couldn't wait to pull them out of the ground so I always ended up with little half mature stumpy carrot babies. I loved wiping off the soil and eating them straight away. Root vegetables are where it's at, I reckon. But I think beetroots are root royalty.

  2. coincidentally (or just seasonally observational), i planted carrots and beetroots this year. potatoes are next. roots are very special. anything that thrives in subterrain, you know. always interesting and surprising and gratifying to uncover. jackie french talks about 'bandicoot' potato harvesting where you reach in under the soil and get the potatoes just by feeling for them. i like the imagery of reaching into the underground and picking something from its ceiling. it's a nice way to think about 'harvesting'.
